Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Another Headshot Opportunity!

I recently had the opportunity to photograph Real Estate Broker, Ingrid Michaelis from Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage in Amherst, NH.

I really enjoy these photo sessions as every photo shoot possesses its unique challenges... My tether tool on my laptop failed after just working great the week before. It appears that whenever you do any updates to your laptop or desktop, you run the risk of knocking something out of whack.

Fortunately, cool heads prevailed and I was able to still utilize my laptop for the selection process and I simply used the old fashion method of inserting the CF card into my card reader and then importing all of the images into Lightroom for customer selection, retouching, and resizing.

Thank you Ingrid!

Saturday, October 12, 2013


I recently had the pleasure of photographing Raelene Liljeberg, who by the way, I work with at Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage in Amherst, NH.

Raelene needed an updated headshot and I was able to setup shop in the lower level of the office. I used my Studio Photogenic Strobe to the left of my subject and placed a large soft box  over the strobe. On the right side of Raelene, I placed my white reflector to bounce in the necessary fill light.

Tethered to my laptop, we were able to expedite the shoot and pick out the image that she liked the most right after the photo session.

It was really a fun shoot! Thank you Raelene!

3 Dodge Road Amherst, NH

Photo shoot in Amherst, NH with REALTOR® Sue Asselin from CBRB in Amherst.